What is #StickAForkInIt? a show about the groundbreaking work being done in Tampa Bay and the influencers that elevate this top market to one of the most innovative and compassionate places to live, work and play. A 10-county region where hunger is addressed in a meaningful way, our neighbors are advocated for daily and our community’s most inspiring leaders align to lift our neighbors to a space of health and capability. Hosted by just a few of the dynamic team at Feeding Tampa Bay, we invite you to listen in and find out how you can join the movement and please follow us for updates on our work or leave us a message on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube all @FeedingTampaBay. Talk at you soon!

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Growing up, many of us don't learn all of the ins and outs of what truly goes into a healthy diet. Then when money is tight and stress is high, it can be even more difficult to think about nutrition on a daily basis. That is why the Nutrition Education team was formed at Feeding Tampa Bay -- to ensure our neighbors are getting the healthy food, and the nutritional information they need when they visit our programs. On today's episode Kelley Brickfield and Samantha Wholley explain how their team works, and provide insight into some common misunderstandings about food and nutritional health.
Follow @FeedingTampaBay on your favorite social media platform for more healthy eating info, and even some in-house recipes based on food we regularly receive at our warehouse!

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Families Helping Families ft. The Coles of Corbett Elementary
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
At Feeding Tampa Bay, we create opportunities for neighbors of all ages to get involved in helping their community. We even have specific volunteer groups composed of kids, teens, and young adults, to help them engage and learn at their level -- and that's the focus of today's show. You'll get to meet two of our Community Engagement team members, who create a fun and feel-good experience for the folks helping us end hunger. And they'll set the stage for the stars of today's show: The Cole family. This loving bunch of giving hearts have restructured their very lives so that they can be more intentional about their impact on the world. And they encouraged a whole army of volunteers from their children's school, Corbett Elementary, to do the same!
Tune in to learn more about the variously aged affinity groups of Feeding Tampa Bay, and follow us on your favorite social media @FeedingTampaBay to see what kind of things you can do to get involved!

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Last week we had a tasty conversation with Chef Marty Blitz of the famous Tampa restaurant, Mise en Place. And the multi-course meal wouldn't be complete without introducing you to Mise en Place's co-founder, Maryann Ferenc! Maryann has spent decades developing a recipe for success in the restaurant industry, and has shared in the journey of so many excellent chefs who have passed through their kitchens. Tune in to hear how she grew up in kitchens herself, has spent decades supporting our mission and the importance of including the Mise en Place philosophy in every part of your life!

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Cooking Up Compassion at Epic Chef ft. Marty Blitz
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
The legendary Mise en Place has been a leader in innovative dining for over 30 years in Tampa Bay. Meet the restaurant's Executive Chef, Marty Blitz, the creative driving force behind that reputation alongside his business partner, Maryann Ferenc. With Chef Marty’s decades of culinary experience, he has mentored a multitude of celebrated culinary artists in addition to loyally lending his expertise to support hunger relief organizations like Feeding Tampa Bay. Epic Chef Showdown's coveted trophy for is named The Marty Blitz Award honoring his years of dedication to his craft and influence. Listen in to hear how his journey through kitchens around the country and a garage in Pinellas county brought him to where he is today. You too can experience the 8th Annual Epic Chef Showdown LIVE at feedingtampabay.org/epicchef Mondays through August 7th.

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Hurricane Preparedness (Revisited) ft. Jim Carpenter
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
In case you missed it last year, we're re-sharing the episode with FTB Director of Disaster Relief Jim Carpenter! Want to know what weather channels to watch when a storm is brewing? Want to know how you can restock your fridge after a long power outage? Tune in and listen to Weatherman Jim. Remember, Feeding Tampa Bay is here for you in blue skies, and gray.
Follow @FeedingTampaBay for updates about or disaster relief pantries this hurricane season, and stay safe, wherever you are.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Prepared for Any Storm ft. Robin Safley of Feeding Florida
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Hurricane season is fast approaching here in Florida, and disaster relief is an important part of the food banking world. On today's episode we welcome back Robin Safley, Executive Director of Feeding Florida, to explain how food bank networks became a crucial part of the first responder teams in the U.S. But hurricanes aren't the only disasters we face every year -- check back in for our next few episodes to learn how our sister food banks in other parts of the nation help people survive through floods, fires, and more. Together, we can weather anything.
Learn how you can help in blue skies and gray, by visiting FeedingTampaBay.org and following us on social media @FeedingTampaBay!

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Recovering with Dignity ft. Joel Sittloh
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
When addiction takes over the steering wheel of your life, you're bound to crash and hurt the people around you. On today's episode, our friend Joel Sittloh shares how he is recovering from decades of drug and alcohol abuse, finding refuge and recovery in community support and service to others who are struggling. As Joel says, he lives his recovery out loud to help those who are who are suffering on the inside. Tune in to meet this incredible human being, and hear the message he has for people who have been in his position, and the people who love them.
Follow @FeedingTampaBay on social media to learn how you can personally get involved with our mission of ending hunger.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
From Homelessness to Transforming Lives ft. Yvette Carter
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
The people who dedicate their lives to helping others possess a strength that can be difficult to imagine. And few people embody that strength more than Yvette Carter, director of the pantry at Open Arms Ministry in Clearwater, FL. Having survived domestic abuse, homelessness, prison, and cancer, Yvette provides hope and support to her community every single day in the forms of food and honest listening. Tune in to hear about her turbulent journey through life, and how her mission of bringing people peace and comfort keeps her alive.
Learn more about Feeding Tampa Bay and how you can help end hunger in our region by visiting FeedingTampaBay.org.

Sunday May 07, 2023
Feeding Passion in the Community ft. Chef Ferrell Alvarez
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Few people understand the power of food better than professional chefs. That's part of the reason Chef Ferrell Alvarez, who partly owns some of the most celebrated eateries in Tampa, has directly supported the mission of Feeding Tampa Bay for years. This year he's lending his expertise to our annual Fork Fight gala event, coordinating top culinary artists from around Tampa Bay to create multi-course meals for our 500 guests. Tune in to learn about Chef Ferrell's journey from "young punk" to winner of a Michelin Bib Gourmand Award!
Tampa Bay there are still a few tickets available!
Secure your seats now by reaching out to csibbick@feedingtampabay.org!
And follow @FeedingTampaBay on social media to see a recap of this year's Fork Fight event, so that you can plan to get tickets and join us next year!

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Speak your Truth ft. Natasha Pierre, Mental Health Advocate & Coach
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Many of us don't actually know how to check in on our own mental health. Many more don't realize how much of an effect mental health has on every part of our lives. We're fortunate to have experts like Natasha Pierre to coach us through the confusion and struggle of understanding our minds — what they need, how to care for them, and the fact that we're rarely alone in these difficulties. Tune in to learn how a talented girl from the Virgin Islands was shaped by huge successes and unimaginable losses, to become an advocate for every human being who struggles like she does. (Due to a camera error this week's episode doesn't have video but we plan to have Natasha on the show again in the future!)
Follow us on social media @FeedingTampaBay to see clips from our other podcast episodes, as well as encouraging updates about our mission to end hunger!